Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Summer Update 4

Dean Karnazes
Sorry I haven't updated in a while!  A couple weeks ago, I finished a good, non-fiction book called "RUN!" by Dean Karnazes.  It is about Dean, who is a runner, and his running life.  Dean is an ultramarathoner, which means he runs races that are 50, 100, and more miles long.  The book chronicles many of the races that Dean has run and his challenges in each.

I found the book very interesting because I am also a runner.  Okay, maybe I'm not an ultramarathoner or anything, but I run 6 or so miles (I did our local 4th of July race yesterday).  The book was very inspiring to me because it can be hard to push yourself to keep running when on a run, but Dean's 100+-mile runs inspire me to keep going.

I just finished reading a book my dad is writing entitled, "Blood, Sweat, and Tears: A Humorous Guide to Caring for Cancer Patients."  He is still working on it, so I'm helping him edit it.  If you're interested in reading it, I'll post more once the book is finished.

Finally, I just started a book called, "Where I Belong" by Gwendolyn Heasley.  I'm not really sure if I like it yet - the writing isn't very sophisticated - I think it's one of the author's first books - but the plot is okay.  I'll post more about it soon.

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